First of all,
Happy September! The month of birthing.
We are grateful to God for his continued Grace and Mercy!
Sometimes we beat ourselves up because of missed datelines and mistakes we have made. The good news is that with God there is hope and you have another opportunity to fix the error. God loves and cares about you, and his plans for you are that of good and not evil. In order to give God an opportunity to work, persistence is necessary. We recently created a reel on instagram called, How persistent are you?
Click here to watch: https://www.instagram.com/reel/CwFuyH-gfhy/?utm_source=ig_web_button_share_sheet
The man at the pool of Bethesda kept trying for 38 years until Jesus finally healed him.
You have to keep trying, No GIVING UP!
Click here to watch: https://www.instagram.com/reel/CwqIXlOAdZy/?utm_source=ig_web_button_share_sheet
The point is, don't quit yet. the Bible says, the righteous falls 7 times but gets back up again. So get back up and try again.
After months of several late nights and working tirelessly in the midst of frustration, disappointments and patience to improve our design. We are excited to announce that, it is here and ready.
We are so proud of this design because we poured our hearts into it to make sure that it was done right and curated just for you!
Because you are in our email list, you are the first to see the design except for those in our Private Facebook group. If you are not part of the Facebook group, click here to join: https://www.facebook.com/groups/316100740976123/
Until next month, stay Persistent!
P.S: Use code FBF10 to get 10% off our updated design.